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来源:数学教育学报 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-03-21
摘要:Tim Madigan on logic,language and mysticism in the life of one of the most influential philosophers of the twentieth century.蒂姆·马迪根谈20世纪最有影响的一大哲学家人生中的逻辑、语言和神秘主义。 One of the

Tim Madigan on logic,language and mysticism in the life of one of the most influential philosophers of the twentieth century.蒂姆·马迪根谈20世纪最有影响的一大哲学家人生中的逻辑、语言和神秘主义。

One of the foremost philosophers of the Twentieth Century and the scion of one of the wealthiest families in Austria,Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951) went to Cambridge in 1911 specifically to study with Bertrand Russell,the bestknown logician of the time.At first a protégé of Russell's,he later broke with him over the claim that mathematics can be firmly grounded in two for a time shared an interest in mysticism,but Russell seemed to ignore the underlying mystical nature of Wittgenstein's first book,and the only one published in Wittgenstein's lifetime,theTractatus Logico-Philosophicus(1921),for which Russell wrote an was not the only one so Vienna Circle movement likewise interpreted Wittgenstein's work to be saying that all of nature could be reduced to propositions.“A proposition,” Wittgenstein wrote,“is a picture of proposition is a model of reality as we think it to be.” The Vienna Circle interpreted this to mean that all metaphysical statements were strictly nonsense,since to them they were non-propositional—and if any claim could not be expressed in terms that were verifiable,then such a claim is meaningless and should be of this view became known as Logical Positivists,and credited their origin to Wittgenstein's ,one of the Circle's most prominent members,used this verification argument to show that all claims about God were meaningless,and could also thus be all,Wittgenstein himself had written:“The limits of my language means the limits of my world.”


2 Wittgenstein disappeared shortly after publishing the felt he had solved all the problems of philosophy in this short work,and could move on to other pursuits,such as teaching elementary school,designing buildings,and working as a gardener for a he was horrified to learn that his book was being used to justify a materialistic,even atheistic,philosophical thinking was that just because you could not express a concept did not mean the concept itself was nonsensical:it could simply be therefore left his worldly pursuits to return to philosophy,teaching for a time at Cambridge (becoming a professor in 1939),and subsequently repudiating much of what he had earlier written.

2 维特根斯坦出版《逻辑哲学论》后不久就消失了。他认为他已经在这本简短的书中解决了所有的哲学问题,可以继续其他的追求,比如在小学教书、设计房子,以及在一所修道院做园艺工。但他惊恐地发现他的书被用来为一场唯物论、甚至无神论的哲学运动作辩护。他的看法是,仅仅因为你不能表达一个概念,并不就意味着概念本身是无意义的:它可能仅仅是难以表达出来。因此他放弃了世俗追求而回归哲学,在剑桥教过一段时间书(1939年被聘为教授),后来否认他之前写过的许多东西。

3 Russell was to say of Wittgenstein that he resembled Blaise Pascal,who had likewise abandoned mathematics for was a distinctive mystical air around Wittgenstein,and many of his students treated him like a his return to Cambrige he spent the remainder of his life pursuing the question of the role which language plays in human affairs and the limitations it places on expressing observations were published posthumously as thePhilosophical Investigations(1953).Later,several of his students' notebooks and other dispersed and miscellaneous writings were published as would have infuriated a man so careful with his views that he agonized over every word.

文章来源:《数学教育学报》 网址: http://www.sxjyxbzz.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0321/708.html


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