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来源:数学教育学报 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-03-21
摘要:Asian Countries 亚洲国家 Some of the top performing kids on the reading, math, and science Program for International Student Assessments, or PISA, come from Asian countries. Asian countries believe that starting off1 start off使开始。

Asian Countries


Some of the top performing kids on the reading, math, and science Program for International Student Assessments, or PISA, come from Asian countries. Asian countries believe that starting off1 start off使开始。 children with a strong education will lead to better outcomes when they grow older.


[2] China, Japan, and Korea implemented a common framework for early childhood education that equips children with2 equip with(尤指通过教育)使有能力,使有资格。 the skills and knowledge they need for further learning. In these countries, early childhood education is for kids ages zero to six, and then kids continue in formal education. Early childhood education is generally split up3 be split up被分为。 in two different stages, nursery and then kindergarten. A nursery is for children under the age of three and is comprised of4 be comprised of由……组成。 small groups with many caregivers. The primary goals of a nursery are physical care and nurturing, so the caregivers are trained as nurses rather than teachers. Kindergarten is a full day program with bigger classes for kids aged three to six that acts as childcare as well as educational preparation.


[3] Teaching methods typically involve a lot of repetition and total group instruction, so that all children ideally do the same thing at the same time. The methods used in Asian countries are similar to instrumental or operant conditioning in the sense that kids do acts repetitively and are positively reinforced when they do them correctly. They are discouraged from5 be discouraged from打消……念头,被阻止。 falling behind6 fall behind落后于。 with the threat of being embarrassed by the teacher in front of their classmates.


[4] Since teaching is such a large focus, these Asian countries tend to have favorable teacher to child main criticism of this style of early childhood education is the lack of alignment7 alignment调准,校正。 between initial education and primary education. However, their uniform early childhood education curriculum is very respectable because it combines academic subjects with the development of soft skills. As the government is realizing its importance, early childhood education is becoming a greater focus in Asia.


Scandinavian Countries

[5] Scandinavian countries also test in the top overall amongst other countries on the PISA. They expand upon8 expand upon/on详述,充分叙述,详细阐明。 Asian beliefs relating to early childhood education. Finland, Sweden, and Denmark all emphasize learning outside of the classroom and involving parents in the curriculum. The partnership between parents and educators is highly valued since the child-parent social interaction is so vital. Scandinavian countries base their curriculum off the idea that children are naturally curious and want to learn new things. This is directly related to Piaget’s9 Jean Piaget让·皮亚杰(1896—1980)瑞士著名儿童心理学家,发生认识论和皮亚杰学派的创始人。 theory of development that looks at children as little scientists, who desire to seek and share countries also use Vygotsky’s belief that social interaction fosters cognitive functions. Scandinavian schools allow young children to learn through interaction and experience.

文章来源:《数学教育学报》 网址: http://www.sxjyxbzz.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0321/709.html


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